The winner of the contest held by Election Inspection was Lt. Colonel Bill O’Neill. More below the fold.
Bill O’Neill resigned from his seat on the Appelate Court in Ohio’s 11th district to run for Congress in Ohio’s 14th congressional district. The seat is current held by Rethug Steve LaTourette.
LaTourette is another one of the family values for you but not for me crowd having an extra marital affair with his former Chief of Staff who became a lobbyist with whom he is now married. This is just one example of LaTourette’s relationships (literally) with lobbyists.
The district is an R + 2 district that is trending blue so it is a winnable district with a conservative Republican that needs to be replaced. O’Neill, despite solid fundraising numbers and a good district to play in, has not been named in either votevets endorsements or the the DCCC Red to Blue program. We are hoping that with a successful donor bomb on this Memorial Day, that O’Neill will get the publicity and money he needs to achieve both of these crucial endorsements.
The actblue page can be found here…
So support your troops in a way George W. Bush never intended you to do, give Lt. Colonel Bill O’Neill some money and support him in his effort to throw the Republicans out of office.
Thanks so much, everyone. Bill was humbled just to be considered among these other great vets. To win it is quite an honor.
-Toby Fallsgraff
O’Neill for Congress